By Rachel Longer, MSS, LSW, CET I
After careful consideration, and in response to COVID-19, The Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy (PCETT) has decided to temporarily move our services online last week. The most important part of trauma therapy is safety and we hope this change will help to maintain the health and safety of our clients and their families. We put together this FAQ to help you navigate any questions you may have regarding teletherapy at the PCETT.
How does teletherapy work?
We are using a platform called Zoom to offer remote video sessions to our PCETT clients. You can access this site from anywhere using a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. Just click on your personalized Zoom invitation link to join your therapist for a session.
Can we still do experiential therapy on zoom?
YES! Though this is a new experience for everyone, Phoenix Center staff are learning creative ways of using experiential therapy techniques through teletherapy. There are, of course, limitations to what can be done – and extra considerations for safety with trauma work, but we are finding that there are even some benefits to teletherapy when it comes to therapy and experiential work.
How do I access the Zoom invitation link?
Before your scheduled appointment, your therapist will send you an email containing a Zoom invitation link. No need to create an account!
Can I use Zoom for free?
Yes! You can use Zoom for no added cost to your regular session rate.
Is Zoom secure?
Zoom protects and encrypts all audio and video data transmitted through its system. It supports and complies with HIPAA security standards to keep your information safe and private.
Will my insurance reimburse me for teletherapy?
Many insurance companies are waiving any barriers to reimbursement for telehealth amidst the pandemic COVID-19. If you are unsure, call your insurance company to ask them if your plan includes reimbursement for teletherapy with an out-of-network provider. The billing code used to identify this service to insurance companies is 90837-95.
If you have any further questions regarding Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy teletherapy services, please call us at 484-440-9416.