Event Cancelled
Presented by: Lewis Johnson, M.S., NCC, CTP, CET II
Date & Time: September 8, 2023 @ 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
3 CE Hours for PA social workers, counselors, MFTs, psychologists, and NBCC Hours
Cost: $65 for professionals | $45 for students (*write to us if cost is your only barrier)
Online Event (Zoom)
About the Workshop:
Recent news coverage in our country has documented the constant, targeted attack on the LGBTQIA+ community, which led to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) issuing a state of emergency declaration in June 2023, something that has never occurred in its 40+ year history (Human Rights Campaign, 2023). Historically, LGBTQIA+ folks have been a marginalized community, frequently dehumanized simply because of their identity. Through trauma-informed care, we can support and empower our LGBTQIA+ clients as they navigate these events. Before we can provide trauma-informed care, we must first differentiate between trauma-informed and trauma-focused. Together, we will review the six trauma-informed principles outlined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), their importance in practices and organizations, and how these principles can serve as the blueprint for empowering our LGBTQIA+ clients.
Learning Objectives:
- Define trauma-informed care.
- Identify three trauma-informed principles.
- Differentiate between trauma-informed and trauma-focused therapy.
- Explain the importance of trauma-informed care for LGBTQIA+ folks.
By purchasing tickets and registering for this event, you confirm that you agree with the Phoenix Center’s Informed Consent for Experiential Therapy Training.
Please follow the following steps to pay and register for this workshop:
Step 1: Pay for event using Paypal.
Step 3: You will hear from us with a confirmation email (same you used for PayPal and registration) indicating your registration and information about the event in a few days. All materials will be directed to the same email address including your certificate.
* Please note that this workshop will include both didactic and experiential learning components. The experiential learning structures include sociometry, demonstrations of a sociodrama, and other experiential processes which often include (optional) personal disclosures from participants. While personal growth is often a byproduct of experiential learning in psychodrama, the primary purpose of this workshop is training. If you are seeking a workshop for personal growth or seeking a professional training event that is entirely didactic (lecture/powerpoint), this is probably not the best workshop for you.
No conflicts of interest or outside commercial support have been declared by the presenter or others involved in the program.
This workshop is designed primarily for psychologists, social workers, counselors, therapists, and graduate students, but other professionals may also find it helpful. The instruction is designed at the introductory level (although many advanced professionals may also find it helpful).
CE program policies and procedures related to refunds/cancellations, grievances, and conflicts of interest can be found here.
For the workshop schedule or other details or questions about the workshop, please contact Lewis at [email protected].
Continuing Education (CE) Approval Statements relevant to this workshop:
- Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC (Lic. #004115) has been approved as a pre-approved provider of professional continuing education for social workers (Section 47.36), Marriage and Family Therapist (Section 48.36) and Professional Counselors (Section 49.36) by the PA State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.
- Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychologists (Lic. # PSY000215) to offer continuing education for psychologists.
- Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7013. Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC maintains responsibility for the program.
About Lewis

Lewis Johnson, M.S., NCC, CTP, CET II (he/him/his), specializes in working with the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and gender expansive) community and the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community. As an LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist, self-identifying Black cisgender male, and spiritual being, Lewis actively engages in ongoing education to ensure he is providing his clients with support that is representative of their unique and beautiful stories. In his role, he supports our mission of expanding our trauma services to clients regardless of their financial situation. Learn more about Lewis on his bio page.