Today Dr Scott Giacomucci facilitated a session for incoming doctoral students at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice.
The historical, philosophical, and theoretical connections of social work, Sociometry, and psychodrama were presented. Students then engaged in experiential Sociometry processes to explore shared experiences, fears, hopes, and goals.
The TSM circle of strengths was utilized to concretize the collective strengths of the cohort-as-a-whole and create a container of safety and inspiration for the years ahead as doctoral students.
Empty chairs were used to verbalize the positive & negative messages from the dissertation, the DSW degree, future self, and friends/family. Finally, students engaged in a psychodramatic vignette role reversing with themselves as future doctors of clinical social work.
#UPenn #SOCIALWORK #Psychodrama #sociometry #experientialteaching #experientialtherapy #emptychair
Giacomucci, S. (2019). Psychodramatically Becoming Your “Future Doctor Self”: A DSW First Year Immersion Session. The Clinician, 7(1): 6-7. Access Article Here
Related article here:
Giacomucci, S. (2019). Moreno’s Methods in Academia (or the lack of): A Call to Action. Psychodrama Network News. Fall 2019, p. 20. American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama.