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Psychodrama, Sociometry, & Group Therapy: Attachment, Relationships, and the Social Self

September 16, 2022 @ 8:30 am - September 18, 2022 @ 3:30 pm

Dates: Friday Sept 16 & Saturday Sept 17, 2022- 8:30am – 5pm; Sunday Sept 18, 2022 – 8:30am – 3:30pm

Full Weekend (21 CE Credits) Cost: $599 | $425 students (*write to us if cost is your only barrier)

Friday Only Option (8 CE Credits) – Cost: $199 | $125

Location: Phoenix Center – 524 N. Providence Road Media, PA 19063

Full Weekend: 21 CE Credits for PA social workers, counselors, MFTs, psychologists, and APA & NBCC Credits | 21 training hours for ABESPGP & ISEP.

Friday option only: 8 CE Credits for PA social workers, counselors, MFTs, psychologists, and APA & NBCC Credits | 8 training hours for ABESPGP & ISEP.

Presented by Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, CGP, FAAETS, TEP

About the workshop:

In this experiential workshop, we will explore the necessity of attachment, teachings from interpersonal neurobiology, and learn sociometry/psychodramatic tools for exploring relationships and group dynamics. Jacob L. Moreno, the founder of sociometry and psychodrama, was one of the first to challenge the medical model and suggest that mental illness is also a product of relationships, groups, and society. Many of the ideas articulated over 100 years ago in his triadic system are being validated by modern interpersonal neurobiology and attachment research. As humans, we are social animals and our neurobiological wiring promotes attachment, connection, group membership, and community belonging. As mental health professionals, relationships are the vehicle from which we work with our clients – and social factors are often the crux of the client’s concerns. Moreno’s social atom offers practitioners with a dynamic process that can be used as for assessment, intervention, treatment planning, or warm-up to psychodrama. Using experiential methods such as sociometry, sociodrama, and psychodrama we will explore attachment styles, the impact of trauma/addiction on relationships, and the essential nature of relationships and community in recovery. Psychodramatic and sociometric concepts such as spontaneity, the warming-up process, the social atom, role theory, tele, and the sociodynamic effect will be presented while various interventions will be taught, such as doubling, mirroring, role reversal, sculpting, role training, and role playing. The psychodramatic approach will be demonstrated through experiential teaching methods to help familiarize participants with the mechanics of facilitating psychodrama processes and employing its various interventions. Foundational group therapy concepts will also be presented including group development phases, group dynamics, the role of group cohesion, and the efficacy of group psychotherapy as a treatment approach in general.

Learning Objectives:

1). Identify four different attachment styles and their impact on one’s behavior in groups and therapy.
2). Describe three reasons why relationships are important in recovery.
3). Explain the social atom theory
4). Identify three sociometric tools to explore group relationships
5). Describe the process of psychodramatic sculpting using the social atom
6). Explain the role of group cohesion in effective group therapy practice
7) Compare how different attachment styles may influence a therapists’ choices or behaviors
8) Explain how to use the social atom as an assessment
9) Explain one way to modify the social atom for a specific population
10) Utilize the social atom as a treatment planning tool
11) Describe psychodrama’s role theory
12) Demonstrate at least one sociometry tool for enhancing group cohesion
13) Utilize the psychodramatic intervention of doubling to enhance safety, catharsis, and integration
14) Explain the value of the role reversal intervention in enhancing empathy
15) Describe the value of psychodrama and sociometry in deepening one’s understanding of social and relational problems
16) Define each of the parts of Moreno’s triadic system
17) Explain the utility of psychodramatic role training in helping clients develop new social skills
18) Articulate three group therapy developmental phases


Weekend Option-21 CE Credits or 21 ISEP Training Hours Registration below: 

Professional Registration for Friday Sept 16 to Sunday, Sept 18, 2022599.00 USD
Student Registration for Friday Sept 16 to Sunday, Sept 18, 2022425.00 USD
Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to your PayPal email address.

Friday Only Option – 8 CE Credits or 8 ISEP Training Hours Registration below: 

Professional Registration for Friday Sept 16, 2022199.00 USD
Student Registration for Friday Sept 16, 2022125.00 USD
Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to your PayPal email address.

Please note that this is workshop will include both didactic and experiential learning components. The experiential learning structures include demonstrations of psychodrama and other experiential processes which often include (optional) personal disclosures from participants. While personal growth is often a byproduct of experiential learning in psychodrama, the primary purpose of this workshop is training. If you are seeking a workshop for personal growth, or seeking a professional training event that is entirely didactic (lecture/powerpoint), this is probably not the best workshop for you.

*Please note that all participants will be required to wear a mask while in the building due to the rising covid-19 cases in Delaware County and the Philadelphia area. Covid policies are subject to change based on changes in covid-19 cases leading up to the date of the event.

For folks traveling from out of town, there is a new beautiful bed and breakfast just 1 block from the Phoenix Center that we recommend. It is within walking distance of downtown Media and plenty of shops/restaurants – https://www.gifford-risleyhouse.com. Mention Phoenix Center for a reduced rate.

No Conflicts of Interest or outside commercial support have been declared by the presenter or others involved in the program.

This workshop is designed primarily for psychologists, social workers, counselors, and therapists but other professionals may also find it helpful. The instruction designed at the intermediate level (though many new and advanced professionals may also find it helpful).

CE Program Policies and Procedures related to Refunds/Cancellations, Grievances, and Conflicts of Interest can be found here.

For the workshop schedule or other details or questions about the workshop, please contact us at [email protected].

Continuing Education (CE) Approval Statements relevant to this workshop:

  • Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy,LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC maintains responsibility for the program
  • Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC (Lic. #004115) has been approved as a pre-approved provider of professional continuing education for social workers (Section 47.36), Marriage and Family Therapist (Section 48.36) and Professional Counselors (Section 49.36) by the PA State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.
  • Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychologists (Lic. # PSY000215) to offer continuing education for psychologists.
  • Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7013. Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy, LLC maintains responsibility for the program.


September 16, 2022 @ 8:30 am
September 18, 2022 @ 3:30 pm


524 N. Providence Road Media, PA 19063
524 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063 United States
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