Author: sgiacomucci (Page 6 of 7)

Post Traumatic Growth

Post Traumatic Growth in one of these 5 domains is actually statistically more likely to occur after a traumatic event than Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)!

1/4th adults that experience a trauma will develop PTSD (or every other child) while around 2/3rds report post traumatic growth in at least one of these five domains!

Top 100 Healthcare Leader

Phoenix Center’s Director/Founder, Dr. Scott Giacomucci, was recognized as a Top 100 Healthcare Leader this year by the International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare!

Check out our website to see how our approach to treatment and therapy is different than traditional talk therapy-

Experiential Therapy Supervised Practice

Another workshop in experiential therapy focused on supervised practice for trainees working towards certifications through the International Society of Experiential Professionals (

In the photo below, see ‘the Sociometry of Sociometry’, a floor check warming up participants to facilitate experiential processes!

Staff Training in New Jersey

“Working Experientially with Defenses in Addiction and Trauma Treatment” presentation today at Pinelands Recovery Center of Medford by Dr. Scott Giacomucci.

Today’s workshop, the fourth of a training series, focused on defense mechanisms. We used Sociometry & Psychodrama to explore the psychological functions of defenses and how they are used in active addiction, in relation to trauma, and in treatment or recovery.

In the photo you can see our warm-up of using “soul cards” to represent and concretize the part of self called the Manager of Defenses in TSM psychodrama. This internal role gives us the capacity to recognize our defenses, consciously choose when they are needed, and contain them when they are unnecessary or maladaptive.

For more information about bringing Scott to your agency for training, email him here – [email protected]

New Publications by Phoenix Center Team

Check out the most recent publications by Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy staff:

“Experiential Addiction Treatment: Creating Positive Connection through Sociometry and Therapeutic Spiral Model Safety Structures”  by Mirmont Staff Scott Giacomucci, Sharon Gera, Darrell Briggs, and Kim Bass. This article is open access to the public in the journal of Addiction and Addictive Disorders: Access the Article Here.

“Being in two places at once: renegotiating traumatic experience through the surplus reality of psychodrama” by Scott Giacomucci & Amy Stone in the Journal of Social Work with Groups: Access the Article Here.

Giacomucci, S. (2018). Traveling as Spontaneity Training: If you want to become a
psychodramatist, travel the world! International Group Psychotherapies and Psychodrama Journal. 4(1): 34-41: Access the Article Here

Giacomucci, S. (2018). Social Work and Sociometry: An Integration of Theory and Clinical Practice. The Pennsylvania Social Worker, 39(1), 14-16. Access the Article Here

Giacomucci, S. (2018). Social work and sociometry: Integrating history, theory, and practice. The Clinical Voice, pp. 15–16. Richboro, PA: Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work. Access the Article Here

Amy Joins Giacomucci & Walker!

I am proud to announce that Amy Stone, MSS, LSW has accepted a position with Giacomucci & Walker, LLC. There are very few people that I would trust to maintain the quality and integrity of my business. Amy is an incredibly talented psychotherapist who finds deep joy and purpose in her work.

Amy has been helping people recover from addiction for over 20 years. She earned her Masters is Social Services with a clinical concentration from Bryn Mawr College. Additionally, she completed her EMDR basic training and has accrued over 500 hours of training in experiential trauma therapy, psychodrama, and the Therapeutic Spiral Model.

She is accepting new clients and specializes in experiential trauma work, sexual trauma, substance abuse, and relationships.

“Asking for help demonstrates bravery and is an action step toward a new experience in life. I have been helping individuals recover from addiction for over twenty years. Now, I assist clients to grow and heal from abuse, neglect, traumas and move through rough patches in life. I recognize the importance of this work, but believe curiosity and laughter can be part of the therapeutic process as well as tears, grief and anger. I use a variety of methods that can go beyond traditional talk-therapy. I’m trained in the experiential methods of EMDR and psychodrama, and both are effective treatments for trauma and PTSD. Transformation and change are often possible and I am honored to witness this daily.”

See her page for contact information.

EMDR Trauma Therapy for PTSD

EMDR Therapy is used for treating PTSD symptoms and trauma – consider watching the short 3 minute introductory video below.
EMDR is an effective and efficient research-based treatment for trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks. It is also used to treat phobias, depression, addictions, cravings, sports-performance issues, social phobias/anxiety, and chronic pain. EMDR works by accessing the brain’s innate memory processing mechanisms to help desensitize traumatic or disturbing memories.
I am consistently amazed by the power of EMDR therapy and how quickly it can provide relief from flashbacks, nightmares, disturbing thoughts, anxiety, and reduce the emotional charge trauma-related triggers or cues.

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