Defining & Explaining Trauma-Informed Principles
This video offers an introduction to trauma-informed principles and why they are important for all organizations. The difference between “trauma-informed” and “trauma-focused” is outlined while commenting on trends in the mental health treatment field. Leaders, supervisors, professionals, students, and others interested in learning about trauma will find this video helpful.
Or, click here to access Dr. Scott’s new ebook for free (see chapter 7 on trauma, trauma-informed care, and trauma-focused services) –
Don’t forget to explore our other videos on this channel which include educational content on trauma, ptsd, addiction, and experiential trauma therapy.
#trauma #traumaticstress #traumaticexperience #ptsd #posttraumaticstress #posttraumaticstressdisorder #traumainformed #traumafocused #traumatreatment #traumaeducation #traumawork #traumacounseling #traumareaction #traumasymptoms
Author: sgiacomucci (Page 4 of 7)
This video offers a basic introduction to trauma and traumatic experiences. Trauma is defined and explained including the different types of trauma. Professionals, students, and others interested in learning about trauma will find this video helpful.
To learn more about trauma, check out this free 2 page handout
Or, click here to access Dr. Scott’s new ebook for free (see chapter 7 on trauma) –
Don’t forget to explore our other videos on this channel which include educational content on trauma, ptsd, addiction, and experiential trauma therapy.
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers
by Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, FAAETS, PAT
Open-Access Book by Springer Nature; free eBook here –
Buy a physical copy of the book on Amazon here
Book Description:
This open access book outlines the intersections between social work and the methods of sociometry and psychodrama. Different sections offer essential practice wisdom for both trauma-focused and trauma-informed experiential work for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. This text enriches the understanding of various action-based approaches and highlights how to enliven social work practice. The chapters include clinical vignettes and examples of structured sociometric prompts with diverse populations, topics, and social work settings to enhance the understanding of group practice, individual practice, and community practice. It provides social workers and other professionals with dynamic tools to improve assessment, intervention, activism, and leadership. Strength-based practical tools are offered to readers, along with guidance for theoretical conceptualizations. This integrative book is an essential read for students, practitioners, leaders, and scholars within the fields of social work, psychodrama, the creative art therapies, group therapy, community organizing, and social activism.
The book content also includes vignettes and examples from drawn from Scott’s work at the Phoenix Center providing clinical services, supervision, and training. In its first week of publication, the book reached the #1 New Release spot on Amazon in the category of Medical Psychology Research and the free eBook was downloaded over 21,000 times!
Published as the first book in a new international book series: Psychodrama in Counselling, Coaching, and Education
The Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy is named after the legendary figure of the phoenix. Mythology suggests that the phoenix dies and is reborn from its own ashes – it is a symbol of transformation and resilience. This phenomenon of growing after experiencing trauma has been labeled “Post-Traumatic Growth”.
Visit our website to see how one of our clinicians might be able to help you cultivate post-traumatic growth –
#Trauma #TraumaTherapy #PostTraumaticGrowth #Phoenix #ptsd
We are grateful for the beautiful Creative Arts Therapy Symposium yesterday at Center for Families in Bryn Mawr!
Dr Scott Giacomucci & Dr Steven Durost presented an afternoon workshop on Sociometry, Psychodrama, & Experiential Trauma Group Therapy and engaged the entire audience in the short psychodrama piece! All of the presenters yesterday creatively integrated content & process for a fun and exciting training experience for all.
We are happy to support the growth of the creative arts therapies in our community by both presenting and providing CEUs for this event. Thank you to Sean Rodgers for all his work organizing this event and to Mirmont Treatment Center & Ashley Addiction Treatment for sponsoring the event!
Another powerful post-graduate training today “Experiential Social Group Work: Tools for Therapists, Educators, Supervisors, & Community Leaders” at Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research with Scott Giacomucci & Amy Stone!
Today we explored the utility of sociometry & psychodrama in both clinical and non-clinical settings. Experiential Education, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and mutual aid were emphasized as uniting factors between group therapy and other group work arenas.
Visit our website to learn more about future training opportunities –
#SocialWork #GroupWork #GroupPsychotherapy #Sociometry #PsychoDrama #MutualAid #ExperientialEducation #InterpersonalNeurobiology
We are excited to announce the opening of our new office!
We are now able to take new clients & referrals – 484-440-9416
This new space will allow us to continue to grow as new clinicians join our team to help keep up with the community’s needs for trauma therapy & educational services.
Check out our newest trauma therapists, both taking new clients:
Rachel Longer, MSS, LSW, CET 1 –
Leela Ehrhart, MA, CET 1 –
Our new space has multiple individual office spaces and a large group room. Stay tuned for newly forming groups including:
-experiential trauma therapy client groups
-personal growth intensives
-supervision groups for licensing, psychodrama, & experiential trauma therapy
-EMDR consultation group
Special thanks to Amy Stone for all the amazing work she does at the center and to Maria Sotomayor & Chad Tingley for helping to decorate!
Also stay posted for an open house in the next month or two!
Post Traumatic Growth in one of these 5 domains is actually statistically more likely to occur after a traumatic event than PTSD!
25% adults that experience a trauma will develop PTSD (or every other child) while around 66% report post traumatic growth in at least one of these five domains.
Our namesake of the Phoenix is a symbol of post traumatic growth and guides our philosophy of trauma therapy.
#posttraumaticgrowth #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #ptsd #traumaticstress
Adult addiction and mental illness are strongly correlated with childhood adversity including trauma, abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction.
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study asked thousands of participants if they had experienced 10 different types of adverse childhood experiences. The higher the ace score, the higher the likelihood of addiction, alcoholism, mental illness, and medical health issues.
These numbers highlight the importance of addressing the impact of childhood adversity which fuels addictions, mental disorders, and medical illnesses.
We are excited to share that Phoenix Center’s Director/Founder, Dr. Scott Giacomucci, has been awarded Fellow status in the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress (FAAETS).
This is the highest honor that the academy can bestow upon a member based on significant contribution to the field.
Scott was also recently granted Consultant status through EMDR International Association.
Check out Scott’s training page for upcoming events –
Or email him directly for information about a newly forming EMDR consultation group and supervision group – [email protected]