Monday, November 10, 2025 – Friday, November 14, 2025 8:30AM – 5:30PM (35 CE Hours)
Cost: $1150 Professionals | $800 Students (This fee guarantees a directing opportunity.)
Reduced Cost: $850 (Reduced cost option for those interested in attending without directing practice.)
Phoenix Center – 524 N. Providence Road Media, PA 19063
35 CE Hours for APA, NBCC, and PA social workers, counselors, MFTs, & Psychologists | 35 training hours provided towards experiential and psychodrama certifications.
About the Workshop
This psychodrama directing practice is designed for psychodrama students, practitioners, and trainers-in-training to enhance their directing through a trauma-informed lens. Participants will have the opportunity to facilitate a group psychodrama and receive feedback from their peers and the trainer. Feedback will be provided based on the psychodrama certification competencies outlined by the ABE, as well as trauma-informed psychodrama considerations. Each participant will also have the opportunity to be the protagonist and play auxiliary roles to learn psychodrama from the inside-out.
Psychodrama facilitation competencies emphasized will include a demonstrated understanding of group phases, the warming-up process, spontaneity-creativity theory, role theory, protagonist selection, contracting, scene setting, concretization, doubling, the mirror position, role reversal, soliloquy, directing auxiliaries and the audience, facilitating catharsis safely, facilitating closure/integration, containment, strength-based roles, trauma-informed principles in psychodrama, attending to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in psychodrama, subroles of the director, and facilitating the sharing phase of a psychodrama session.
While this is a training workshop, and training will be held as the priority, there will be a multitude of secondary opportunities for personal growth. The workshop tickets with directing practice are designed for intermediate and advanced psychodrama students and would not be the best workshop for someone who has no prior psychodrama training. Participants are expected to have past experiential/psychodrama experience as a prerequisite for purchasing a ticket with directing practice, as well as a foundational understanding of psychodrama’s methodology. Tickets without directing practice are open to anyone, regardless of past psychodrama experience. This workshop will be attractive for anyone seeking to enhance their psychodrama facilitation skills – and especially for professionals with some psychodrama experience seeking to more fully put their learning into action. Professionals warming-up to complete their CP/TEP onsite exams will also find this workshop helpful as the trainer will provide feedback using the same competencies outlined for the CP/TEP onsite exams.
Learning Objectives:
By purchasing tickets and registering for this event, you confirm that you agree with the Phoenix Center’s Informed Consent for Experiential Therapy Training.
Step 1: Pay for the event using PayPal.
Step 3: You will hear from us with a confirmation email (the same one you used for PayPal and registration) indicating your registration and information about the event in a few days. All materials will be directed to the same email address including your certificate.
*Please note that this is workshop will include both didactic and experiential learning components. The experiential learning structures include demonstrations of psychodrama and other experiential processes which often include (optional) personal disclosures from participants. While personal growth is often a byproduct of experiential learning in psychodrama, the primary purpose of this workshop is training. If you are seeking a workshop for personal growth or seeking a professional training event that is entirely didactic (lecture/powerpoint), this is probably not the best workshop for you.
For folks traveling from out of town, there is a new beautiful bed and breakfast just 1 block from the Phoenix Center that we recommend. It is within walking distance of downtown Media and plenty of shops/restaurants – Mention Phoenix Center for a reduced rate.
No Conflicts of Interest or outside commercial support have been declared by the presenter or others involved in the program.
This workshop is designed primarily for psychologists, social workers, counselors, and therapists but other professionals may also find it helpful. The instruction designed at the intermediate level (though many new and advanced professionals may also find it helpful).
For the workshop schedule or other details or questions about the workshop, please contact us at [email protected].
Continuing Education (CE) Approval Statements relevant to this workshop:
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