Freedom from Trauma through Psychodrama: Spontaneity and Post-Traumatic Growth
Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, CGP, FAAETS, TEP
December 10th – 11th, 2022
Conference Lecture and Workshop
The Association of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts of Ukraine (APPU)
This workshop will explore the theme of freedom through the lens of psychodrama’s concept of spontaneity. Spontaneity is often misunderstood but in psychodrama context, spontaneity can be considered a sense of inner freedom – not being held back or inhibited from appropriate action in the moment. Spontaneity allows individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and nations to have new responses to old situations, and adequate responses to novel circumstances. Trauma, both on the individual and collective level, can impact our sense of freedom and our capacity for spontaneity. This workshop explores the movement from trauma to spontaneity and growth through psychodramatic methods and frameworks.
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