Moreno & Maslow: Self-Actualization Through Psychodrama
August 5th 7-10pm EST Online Workshop
Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, FAAETS, PAT
ASGPP Fundraiser
In this workshop we will explore misconceptions about Maslow’s work (did you know Maslow never created a “pyramid” to depict his hierarchy of needs?); the historical and philosophical intersections of Maslow and Moreno’s approaches; and our own progress towards visions of our best selves. The drive towards a life worth living with purpose and meaning is inherent in every human being. Maslow and the humanistic psychologists label this as self-actualization, which is also described as one’s achievement of their full potential as a human being. Moreno’s philosophy of human nature describes a similar idea, elevating all people as potential “geniuses,” “gods,” and “co-creators”. Beyond individual self-actualization, Maslow describes the experience of “transcendence” which is a merging of self and the world. This new science of self-actualization and transcendence will be presented through the lens of Morenean Sociatry. While psychodrama is often thought of as only a psychotherapy approach, Moreno intended for psychodrama to transcend the medical model as a way of life that could empower human beings towards their full potential and towards a therapeutic society. Join us for an informative and experiential workshop that will challenge you to actualize the best version of yourself while supporting others to do the same!
Learning Objectives: Identify one similarity between Moreno and Maslow’s philosophies; Describe the concept of self-actualization; Explain one way that psychodrama can help in the movement towards self-actualization
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